We are not a Speakers Bureau

No matter how much we get asked, we are not a Speakers Organization, a speakers bureau, or a booking agency.

Traditionally – and this is not a bad thing – a speakers agency is very focused on their clients and not their speakers. They need to bring in the business, and they are good at it. We all win when they successfully match speaker and organization, and the speaker does a great job. That company will always be more likely to book another speaker for their next event.

That’s great. Unfortunately, this means that something like twenty percent of all speakers does eighty percent of all jobs. The rest are left to compete over slim pickings and have a hard time breaking into the big league.

Usually, that can take years and be a very frustrating process. We’re here to walk with you on that journey, and make it fun. Also, we’ll make sure you do not start slacking once you get all the jobs and travel the world and help people.

We are your new family for professional or upcoming speakers. you can learn more about us through our weekly journal on speaking and our LinkedIn group of speakers from all over the world

Learn the average fee-difference between The EU and The US.
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